In the light of the last 15 decrees ratified by the head of Moroccan government, on his last month in term, which will result in the eradication of the Amazigh people from their remaining properties (land) classified a state forestland, the Federal Office of the National Federation of Amazigh associations in Morocco (FNAA), and taking in consideration the following :
- The publication of these 15 decrees, that classified these lands as state forestland property, in the state official magazine number 6481 of July 11th, 2016 without the signature of any other government minister,
- Their defining these lands according to an exceptional procedure, elaborated by the military French colonial power and the Moroccan prime minister Mohamed El Gabbas then, by the decree of January 3rd , 1916 implemented by fraud in order to paralyze the economic and financial capabilities of their original owners,
- The symbolic value of these lands in the Amazigh Memory when they were confiscated from them by force by the French colonial state through the colonial laws and decrees after their defeat in their last resistance against French and Spanish colonial armies,
- The act of Moroccan government, led by the Justice and Development party, of giving these confiscated Amazigh lands even to foreigners,
- The silence of the political parties, their parliament deputies and the unions towards this scandal, in spite of being unconstitutional.
- The head of the government act, requested by the Water and Forest High Commissioner, is a crime against humanity according to the international humanitarian law,
The National Federation of Amazigh associations (FNAA) considers:
- The head of the government ratification of these decrees and their publication in the Official state magazine (N° 6481 of July 11th , 2016) as detailed below, is a human forced displacement and fanatic act, which falls under war and genocide crimes against humanity according to the international and humanitarian law, in particular the articles (6), (7), (8) of the Rome Status,
- The Continuing policy to issue these kind of decrees is part of the Article II of the United Nations Convention: “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, which the United Nations approved on December 9th, 1948 and became effective on January 12th, 1951.
- That such decrees and other relevant ones are deliberately subjecting Amazigh tribes to the hard life conditions premediated in order to bring to physical and moral destruction.
- that confiscating land policy from their original owners constitutes a direct growth & expansion cause of the poverty cycle, and has at the same time negative repercussions on the environment, the linguistic and cultural Amazigh heritage.
- These decrees and others issued previously are big human rights violations, and will be our advocacy subject in front of human rights committees of international treaties and in front of national Human Rights Council.
And it also demands:
- The total abolishment of all legislations edited by the colonial authorities, and the development of new ones based on human rights approach that can give back the confiscated lands to their original owners and repair the caused damage.
- The withdrawal of these ratified decrees, which are the subject of this open letter, and all those issued from March 2nd 1955 to the end of October 2016, whose aim is the expansion of the state forestland to the detriment of community land.
- to the unions, the political parties and their parliament deputies to take a total responsibility for their silence towards this public policy of tyranny and corruption.
- to the human rights NGO to add this community confiscated land problem to their agenda, and to make it an advocacy priority in order to establish a civil NGO coalition working on community land problems and its associated rights.
Rabat/Morocco November 16th, 2016
National Federation of Amazigh Associations in Morocco (FNAA)
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